Overfishing awareness scores

Overfishing is a catastrophic issue. In order to combat its severity, we need to bring increased awareness to the conditions of our oceans. This section is dedicated to my attempt to alert people about areas around the world that are currently threatened by overfishing through the use of 'overfishing awareness scores'. The scores will measure how much attention is being given towards the threatened region; the level of attention is being measured by the amount of Google and Google Scholar hits the area receives after being searched. Hits containing information about various conservation efforts in the area will be weighed against the total amount of hits the area receives.

Note: Multiple hits containing the same article were counted as one hit. The areas were chosen by their reoccurring presence during my research. As such, there are probably much more areas globally that also need heightened awareness.

Scoring system
  • Awareness score of 1: the threatened area has many Google hits, and several of those hits contain information regarding efforts to combat the overfishing the area is experiencing. The area is not free from overfishing, but I feel confident that enough people are taking active approaches to resolve the issue.
  • Awareness score of 2: the area receives a fair amount of Google hits, but few talk about ways the issue is being resolved. The awareness of the area could definitely be better, especially if the area seems to be very threatened.
  • Awareness score of 3: this area is threatened by overfishing but does not have many Google hits. Also, there are very few pages speaking about conservation efforts, if any at all. The area, in my opinion, should receive far more attention before the crisis worsens.
Search summary & Results
Figure 2: Summary of the searches I conducted to generate my overfishing awareness scores
Figure 3: The amount of Google hits vs. those containing conservation efforts after my searches were complete

Figure 4: My final awareness scores after data was searched and analyzed

The awareness scores are varied, but they do indicate that some areas are in really dire need of help. The first step to solving the issues is making more people aware about it... so spread the news and get involved as soon as you can! If not, fish may become a rare delicacy.

Be as aware as this guy! (Mild language)

  1. Allan et al. "Overfishing of inland waters." BioSience. 55.12 (2005): 1041-1051. Online.
  2. Allen, Kerry W. Agency on course to halt overfishing. 28 Dec. 2009. Gig Harbor Fishing. 3 March 2012 <http://www.gigharborfishing.com/2009/12/28/agency-on-course-to-halt-overfishing/>.  
  3. A 'Dead-Zone' Grows in Gulf of Mexico. Yoon, Carrol K. 1998. Garden State Seafood Association. 3 March 2012 <http://www.fishingnj.org/artdedzn.htm>. 
  4. Giant river fish faces extinction after years of overfishing. Carroll, Rory. 5 Jan. 2010. The Guardian. 3 March 2012 <http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jan/05/arapaima-river-fish-facing-extinction>. 
  5. Fonteneau, Alain. "Atlantic bluefin tuna: 100 centuries of fluctuating fisheries." ICCAT. 63 (2009): 51-68. Online.
  6. Harris, Larry J. & Megan C. Tyrrell. "Changing community states in the Gulf of Maine: Synergism between invaders, overfishing, and climate change." Biological Invasions. 3:1 (2006): 9-21. Online.
  7. Japan admits to overfishing bluefin tuna by 25%. 3 March 2006. Tapei Times. 3 March 2012 <http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2006/03/03/2003295497>.
  8. Overfishing, Factory Fishing and Bottom Trawling. 4 April 2005. Greenpeace. 3 March 2012 <http://weblog.greenpeace.org/arcticseas/archives/2005/04/overfishing_fac_1.html>. 
  9. Overfishing Leaves Much of Mediterranean a Dead Sea, Study Finds. Braun, David. 2 March 2012. National Geographic. 3 March 2012 <http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/03/02/overfishing-leaves-much-of-mediterranean-a-dead-sea-study-finds/>.
  10. Taiwanese seas threatened by overfishing. 29 Dec. 2012. United Press International. 3 March 2012 <http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2011/12/29/Taiwanese-seas-threatened-by-overfishing/UPI-79181325170080/>. 


    1. I like the originality of this scoring system. I think if you added more locations and a graphic summarizing the locations it could be a really cool way of illustrating this problem.

    2. This is the most original way of putting together data I've seen so far, I really like it. I think it could be much more effective for you and easier to understand if you put this into a bar graph form or used some other visual.
      -Abby Smith
